Monday, January 13, 2014

Gift Guide: Everyday Celebrations

one / two ( top & bottom) / three / four / five

How was everyones weekend? I spent mine with a few of my best friends, where we found ourselves watching TLC's Extreme Cheapskates. What an eye opening experience, it was crazy - like, using leftover bathwater to do the dishes, crazy. Yikes. 

On to a less crazy topic - everyday gifts. While we all just wrapped up our holiday shopping marathon, life keeps moving, and therefore the celebrations continue. From birthdays, to engagements, housewarmings - here are a few gifts that I consider fail-safe no matter the occasion. I love giving (and receiving!) personalized gifts like this & this, candles are always a winner (this one is currently making our apartment smell lovely), and nothing beats an inspiring coffee table book, or cozy pajamas (just purchased the shorts & shirt version of this lovely number). Looking for one more idea? A friend had lyrics from our first dance song printed for us, it was one of the most thoughtful gifts I have ever received. 

What are your go-to's for everyday gifts?


  1. Omg I watched a little Extreme Cheapskates but felt sick so I had to stop. People are so crazy!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

    1. I know! C.R.A.Z.Y! Won't be watching that anytime soon!

  2. These are great gift ideas, with a personal touch! I love the idea of an address stamp for a gift. I just purchased one off etsy for myself, but never thought about getting one made for someone!

    xo Brooke | honestly, b.

    1. Thanks Brooke! They are one of my favorite gifts to give, especially great for a summer filled with weddings!

  3. Books and pjs are always my go to gifts! You can't go wrong with those! Great picks

