Thursday, February 13, 2014

I Believe In // Silence

I am someone who doesn't relax well - every night after work, I get home and work on this here blog and/or do chores until it's time to brush my teeth and hop into bed. My husband jokes that I never stop, and I'm pretty sure the poor man now goes to bed an hour or two later then he did before we were married because he deals with my shenanigans. 

However, a few nights ago the red seas parted and I found myself lounging in bed in complete silence - no phone to look at, no magazine to flip through, no tv in the background, and no blogs to browse. I was surprised by how rejuvenating and peaceful it was. I know, it sounds unbelievably obvious, but most of the time I need to be reminded of these simple truths. 

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way. I don't relax well at all. I am always working or on the computer or cleaning or cooking... I have the hardest time just being. Perhaps I should give this a try...

