Monday, December 8, 2014

True Confessions & Monday Sales

I totes wish that our apartment looked like the above right now, but I'm here to tell you that I'm currently starring at a lot of pine needles that need a little vacuum love and a kitchen table that is decorated with random mail, coats and work. 

Not surprising, I know. Also not surprising if you're a regular reader (hi, mom!) is this: this blog has not gotten much love lately. I'm completely stating the obvious here, but for those that are still hanging on, I wanted to give a quick shout out & a big thanks. There's no dramatic story to accompany the infrequency of my posts, except for that life has gotten in the way.

I started a new role about 6 months ago which I seriously love but is more time consuming and have tried my best to prioritize time with my husband and sleep. Moral of the story, I have many things planned & coming, but it might be a rocky road to get back up and running.

With that, I leave you with a few sales because if you're like me, you haven't crossed anyone off of your Christmas list.

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