Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Confetti Chronicles // Life Lately

Summer has been fab. While I haven't crossed everything off my mental warm weather to-do list, life has been full of some pretty great things lately. Here's a few highlights!

Attended a launch party for a dear friends' new shop, Tiny Easels. Check this girl out, she's incredibly talented and an even better friend. Double whammy!

My very first niece will be here in May! Got to spend the weekend in Alabama with family celebrating. 
 (sorry for the blur but had to share this picture of my beautiful family! Hard to tell I'm related by marriage right, I look just like them ;) Can you even tell one is pregnant? Didn't think so, she looks amazing!)
A simple treat - lunch at my favorite place in Columbus. 


  1. Those look great! Please check out my newest post at www.loveolia.com! Hope you'll follow on bloglovin!

    1. Thanks Olia! Your blog is gorgeous! :) Thanks for reading!
