Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I Believe In // Celebrating

Celebrating small and large accomplishments & milestones is something that I strongly believe in. It is easy to become paralyzed by thoughts of inadequacy in a world where we can compare ourselves to anyone we desire in a moment’s click or tap – I’m absolutely guilty of this.

With the ultimate celebration of this past year to commence in just a few hours, here are a few things 2013 brought that I will be reminiscing on with a joyous heart & serious gratitude – celebrating one year of marriage with the man I love oh so much, a new job, seeing a dear friend walk down the aisle, new friends & relationships, trips to Naples, Nashville & New York City, precious time with family, and lastly this blog. To my friends & family, those who may stop by a few times a week or just once  - thank you for reading my slice the internet – a little thought that has turned into a passion. Your support and kind comments make me smile daily.

What are you celebrating tonight?! Cheers to 2013 & bring on 2014!

1 comment:

  1. You're first paragraph is spot on. So important to remember that we are enough, we have enough and we do enough!! Hope you 2014 is off to a great start.

    Thanks for stopping by Pursuit!


    Pursuit of Shoes
