Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Believe In // TIme for Myself

During the week, I have made a habit of getting up a little earlier to spend some time by myself in the stillness of the morning, reading and just letting myself think. It dawned on me the other day how important this time is to my days & weeks. While I love interacting with colleagues at work, catching up with friends & spending some good old quality time with my husband, I've found "me" time to be crucial. I've realized it screws my head on straight, and allows me to focus on what is and what I want to be important in my life before I leave my house and enter into the distraction that is the everyday grind.

Oh, and I also consider it equally as important to have moments by yourself when you can rock-out to your favorite music sans any judgement for dance moves or signing voice. 

Has anyone ever traveled by themselves? I've heard from a few that it's awesome, but don't know if I could do it! Thoughts?!


  1. I completely agree with you...I love to have time where I can do the things I want to do with no comments from anyone else or distractions in general; it's very relaxing. I've never traveled by myself other than traveling alone to meet up with family or friends, but I don't think I could do an entire trip alone! I like my "me" time but I feel like I would rather share my adventures with someone else.

    Have a great weekend!

    Ivy xx
    Style Life Lovely

  2. I should definitely try getting up earlier. I find when I have more time to get ready I have a much less stressful day. I have such respect for people who travel by themselves! I could never do it but I bet it's lifechanging.

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  3. This summer, I went to Houston by myself for some baseball games! It was fun and definitely some GREAT "me time!"
