Cue up your favorite Spice Girls song, we're talking about girl power (side note - how amazing was their reunion at the Olympics last summer?). For most of my life, the disparity between men and women's pay (women make 77 cents to a man's dollar) and the culture for women in the professional world was never something that I thought much about. Then I graduated college and worked for a company where I instantly noticed one thing - there wasn't a lot of women, and of the women that worked there, few were mothers.
There weren't a lot of mothers because the job simply wasn't conducive to being a mom - while my experience in the professional world is limited and I am far away from being someone's mother, it got me thinking. Why does it have to be so hard to balance both? Does today's workplace truly allow for women to be successful in the office and at home? Should we have to sacrifice one for the other? I'd like to think not. I don't have all the answers, but I think the conversation is important, and I'd love to know your thoughts!